Dental Crowns & Bridges

Rebuild damaged teeth and safeguard your smile with dental crowns and bridges.

Natural teeth can chip, crack, decay or even become diseased over time. Dental crowns and bridges are designed to restore tooth structure and protect against further damage, all while maintaining a natural appearance. Unlike removable devices such as dentures, crowns and bridges are part of your smile. 

At Charlestown Dental Centre, we use advanced technology and the highest quality materials to ensure that dental crowns and bridges are durable, aesthetically pleasing and easy to maintain. You can depend on our dedicated team to deliver an effective restorative dental solution that lasts as well as it looks. Arrange a consultation for a dental crown or bridge in Newcastle NSW today.

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What is a dental crown versus bridge?

A dental crown is a permanent cap affixed to the front or back of a compromised tooth. This crown caps the entire tooth to create a more aesthetic appearance and protect it from further damage. Dental crowns can be manufactured from ceramic, zirconia, composite resin, metal alloys, porcelain, or porcelain fused to metal for a beautiful and natural appearance. 

A dental bridge is also used to replace missing teeth and restore a healthy looking smile. However, this type of restorative dentistry is fixed to a dental implant or used to fill a gap where multiple teeth are absent. It can be anchored to adjacent teeth or secured by crowns to ensure stable placement. 

Sound like a suitable solution for your smile? At Charlestown Dental Centre, your dentist will inform you as to whether you need a dental crown or a bridge. 

Our pain-free dental crown procedure

  1. During your consultation for a dental crown, we will need to determine whether you have a solid base for this type of dental restoration. Therefore, your dentist will begin with a thorough assessment of your gum health and tooth damage before discussing your treatment options. 
  2. We will then remove any decay and file down the tooth receiving the crown to ensure a comfortable fit between the existing teeth. After your tooth has been reshaped, we will take its impression to ensure your bite will not be affected by the crown. 
  3. The impression of your tooth will be sent to the laboratory, where your crown will be manufactured. create the crown. In the meantime, your dentist will place a temporary crown on your tooth for protection. 
  4. At your next appointment, we will remove your temporary crown and replace it with the permanent crown using a local anaesthetic. The final fit and colour will be assessed to ensure it matches correctly before you leave with your brilliant new smile. 

Book an appointment for a dental crown or bridge

For any questions regarding dental crowns or bridges in Newcastle, please contact the team at Charlestown Dental Centre. We are here to offer support to those who have gone through surgical dental procedures, or have missing teeth. Additionally, if you have a dental crown or a bridge that has come loose, please see your dentist for any adjustments that may be required.

Ready to rebuild your smile? Schedule an appointment for a dental crown, bridge or other restorative dental service such as dentures or denture implants below.

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Frequently asked questions

How much does a dental crown cost in Australia? 

The average cost of a dental crown in Australia can range between $1,100 and $2000. However, this is only a guide – the price you pay will depend on your individual circumstances and the type of dental crown required.

What are the main types of dental crown?

Thanks to advanced technology, dental crowns today are usually made of porcelain, which achieves a durable and natural-looking result. However, other types of dental crown are also available, including resin, zirconia, metal alloy, and Porcelain Fused to Metal (PFM) crowns.

Your dentist will discuss the above options with you during your initial consultation. To arrange an appointment, please call our team on (02) 4058 2563 or book online now.

Do I need a dental crown?

You may need a dental crown if you have a:

  • Chipped or cracked tooth;
  • Compromised tooth that needs protection;
  • Dental bridge that requires support; or
  • A filling, dental implant, misshaped to discoloured tooth that must be covered.

To determine whether this is the right treatment for you, please book a consultation at Charlestown Dental Centre today.

Who can get a dental crown or bridge?

Dental crowns or bridges can be used to address a range of dental concerns, from chips and decay to discoloured or misshapen teeth. 

However, for a dental crown to be suitable, the surrounding teeth must be strong and healthy enough to support the final restoration. 

When it comes to implant-supported bridges, you will generally need a certain amount of dense bone tissue in order to facilitate the implant posts.

To determine whether this is the right treatment for you, please book a consultation at Charlestown Dental Centre today.

Are dental crowns painful?

No, dental crowns are not painful. Your dentist will apply a local anaesthetic before beginning the procedure, so you should not feel any significant discomfort while the crown is being affixed. 

Once your dental crown has been placed, you may experience some mild sensitivity in the treated area but this will soon wear off. 

Rest assured that your dentist can discuss your concerns and answer any questions you may have about pain during your initial consultation. 

Can dental crowns be whitened? 

No, dental crowns cannot be whitened. Therefore, if you wish to brighten your smile, we recommend undergoing teeth whitening before the crown is fitted. This will ensure the perfect colour match.

How are dental crowns attached? 

Dental crowns are attached to a tooth with a safe and painless dental glue or dental cement.

How long do dental crowns last?

Dental crowns are made of highly-durable materials that enable them to last between five and 15 years on average. This duration depends on whether you maintain good oral hygiene. To prolong the longevity of your dental crown, we recommend brushing and flossing twice a day, as well as attending regular dental check-ups.

If your dental crown does become loose or falls out, your dentist will be able to fix this. Please call Charlestown Dental Centre on (02) 4058 2563 as soon as possible.

Can dental crowns be replaced?

Yes, a dental crown can be replaced. In fact, if the underlying tooth decays, your crown will need to be removed to treat this decay before a new crown can be affixed. With good oral hygiene, however, your dental crown can last up to 15 years before it requires replacing. 

If you believe that your dental crown may need to be replaced, please call our team on (02) 4058 2563 to book an appointment.

Are dental bridges permanent?

No, a dental bridge is not permanent. Typically, this type of restorative dentistry must be replaced every 10 to 15 years. This time frame varies according to your oral hygiene practices, with regular brushing and flossing helping your dental bridge to last longer.

How much does a dental bridge cost in Australia?

The cost of a dental bridge in Australia ranges from approximately $3,000 to $5,000 for a 3-unit fixture and $900 to $1,800 for two crowns. Additionally, the price of a pontic or fake tooth can vary from $800 to $1,200. Please note that these figures are estimates only, with the true price of your dental bridge depending on the extent of treatment required.

How long does it take for a dental bridge to settle?

In general, it can take approximately two weeks for a dental bridge to completely settle. To minimise discomfort during this period, we recommend avoiding particularly hot or cold food and brushing with a toothpaste for sensitive teeth.

How long does a dental bridge last?

Dental bridges are designed to last up to 10 years. In order to increase the longevity of this restorative dental treatment, it is important to maintain good oral hygiene and attend regular dental visits for professional cleaning.

Can a dental bridge be removed and recemented? 

Yes, a dental bridge can be removed and recemented, provided your surrounding teeth are in  healthy condition. If the supporting teeth have decayed over time, then the dental bridge may need to be replaced entirely.

For more information on dental bridge removal and replacement, please call our friendly team.


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